Wednesday, January 17, 2007

By this point in the day we were beyond the normal napping times of just about everyone,,, disrupting a mid-day ritual. The smaller kids quickly sized up their chances of stealing a few winks in mom’s embrace, while the larger kids expropriated the single stroller of their smaller siblings for the same purpose. Middle of amusement park or not, naps came & went for all under 12.

Another impression which struck me half-way through the day: there were almost no lines at any of the rides. Most of the time we got on the rides as soon as we walked up! Sweet! The longest I waited for any ride was 10 minutes at the log splash ride (Niagara gara). Sunday is billed as the busy day, since kids have a ½ day of school on Saturdays. The school week is 6 days here.
By 3pm, pak Budiman (Ojek driver) and his kids had been on all the rides twice each and were already thinking of going home. (=
Ah, the dynamics of large groups… there’s always someone ready to go home first, while others want to push on till the last possible minute.

I wanted to gather everyone up at 2 for the Euro Kids Circus to see how everyone was doing,, but the show was full before we got there, so we came back for the 4:30 show.
For most, this was the first time any had seen a circus. Most of the entertainers were kid acrobats themselves, ranging in age from 7 to 19.
Whew,,, amazing how they can ply & bend themselves backwards & forwards into seemingly any position like that. They must have surgically removed every bone vertebrae and inserted rubber.

As evening settled in and the sun went down, the push & pull between those ready to go home and those who wanted to stay a “little bit” longer played out between those who were exhausted, those who had already napped and had fresh new batteries, and those (notably parents), who wanted to rush through a few last minute rides before Elvis left the building.

5:30 turned to 6:30, and by 7 we had all on board.
The ride home was fun. Half the bus fell asleep, while the other half buzzed about their favorite moments through the day. I walked through & asked everyone what their favorite rides & moments were: the roller-coaster & bumper cars scored high; and in the back a funny answer from some of the single guys: lots of pretty girls to look at! Well,,, honest candor is what I asked for! There was a look of satisfaction on everyone’s face,,, even the exhausted,,, which made the day worth every effort to make happen.

When the bus arrived in our neighborhood, and we all got off, every one of Eli’s neighbors made a special effort to shake my hand and say thank-you for the day. (=
I think every single one of us went straight home after that & climbed immediately into bed without passing Go.
It was a great day.


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