Friday, February 02, 2007

Marble Mountain isn’t particularly big, as far as mountains go. It juts out of the flat ground about 300m near the beach among fields of rice paddies,,, where a village has slowly built itself up. Apparently the rock here is mostly marble- giving it the name. Row after row of marble shops, with craftsmen chiseling away at intricate statues, sprout up around the base.

The amazing thing about it is how centuries of Buddhist people have carved and chiseled and transformed the mountain into a huge system of temples,,, mostly buried within the dozen or so gigantic caves. It has a real Indiana Jones & Lord of the Rings flavor in parts. Aroma of incense wafts freely, and to get to several of the caves, one must trek over a few hundred large marble steps.
There are a half-dozen pagodas and little temples scattered about the mountain, usually near the entrance to larger caverns.


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